Saudi, Qatari interior ministers meet in Riyadh

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RIYADH: Game On, the first sports and entertainment center of its kind in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East, recently opened its doors in the Ishbiliya District in Riyadh. Islam Gasser, partner and CEO of Game On, told Arab News that the brand is under the umbrella of the General Entertainment Authority. “We’re bringing two … Read more

Ashleigh Plumptre wants to meet ‘inspirational’ Ons Jabeur at Olympics

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LONDON: Ashleigh Plumptre, the intrepid Al-Ittihad center-back, admits she is not easily starstruck, but there is one sportswoman, that if they were to meet, would make her quite “nervous.” Since arriving in Saudi Arabia in September, she has not rushed to seek autographs or take selfies with icons such as Karim Benzema or N’Golo Kante, … Read more

Crown prince, Olympics chief meet in Riyadh

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RIYADH: Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Monday met with the president of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach, in Riyadh. They discussed the development of sport and the Olympics movement in the Kingdom, Saudi Press Agency reported. The meeting was also attended by Saudi Minister of Sport Prince Abdulaziz bin Turki Al-Faisal, and Vice … Read more