Saudi artist embraces the unconventional with anti-aesthetic artworks

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RIYADH: In a world fixated on beauty and aesthetic perfection, Saudi artist Asrar Al-Qarni is boldly producing anti-aesthetic and unsettling art. Through her work, the 33-year-old challenges traditional notions of beauty and protests conformity. She compels viewers to confront uncomfortable truths and explore darker aspects of society. This unconventional approach to art can be seen … Read more

British luxury department store Harrods teams up with Qatari artist for Ramadan artworks

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DUBAI: Saudi conceptual artist Obaid Alsafi was born in 1991 in Wadi Ad-Dawasir, which he describes as an intersection of the vast desert and green farms.   “There was a contradiction, and through that contradiction it was as if I was seeing day and night,” Alsafi, who is now based in Riyadh, tells Arab News. “I … Read more

Saudi capital hosts illuminating artworks at Noor Riyadh 

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RIYADH: “Light is the new ink,” claims UK-based art expert Neville Wakefield, one of the curators of Noor Riyadh, billed as the world’s largest light art festival, which runs in the Saudi capital until Dec. 16.   From fiber optics to artificial intelligence and mobile screens, light, in Wakefield’s opinion, has become a vital tool for … Read more