Daesh releases photo of alleged attackers in Russia shooting

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CAIRO: Daesh released on Saturday a photo of what it said were the four attackers behind a shooting rampage that killed at least 143 people in a concert hall near Moscow on Friday, the militant group’s Amaq news agency said on Telegram. “The attack comes within the context of a raging war between Daesh and … Read more

Russia arrests suspected attackers after mass shooting kills 93 at concert

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TEL AVIV: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday that Israel risked further global isolation if it attacks the Palestinian city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip.Blinken met one-on-one with Netanyahu during a peace mission to the Middle East at a time of strain in relations over Israel’s … Read more

Some attackers of US embassy in Iraq ‘linked to security services’

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RAMALLAH, West Bank: At least 11 Palestinians have been killed during a days-long raid by Israeli soldiers in Jenin in the occupied West Bank, Palestinian health authorities said on Thursday, amid reports of gunfire, hundreds of arrests and restricted hospital access.A young man died from his wounds on Thursday morning as a result of the … Read more