Why the bidding may be furious for a portrait of Ottoman ruler Mehmed II, coming up for sale soon

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LONDON: To the Christians of Europe in the mid-15th century, the Islamic leader Mehmed II was “the terror of the world,” a “venomous dragon” at the head of “bloodthirsty hordes.” The Roman Catholic Pope, Nicholas V, went even further. To him, the seventh ruler of the Ottoman Empire was nothing less than “the son of … Read more

‘Much higher’ likelihood of war in Israel’s north in coming months: army chief

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Iraq’s foreign minister: Iran cannot hit Israel… and attacked a friendly and allied country  Hours before Iraq filed a complaint against Iran to the Security Council, the Iraqi Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein condemned, in an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Iran’s attack on Irbil, considering the escalation “an attempt by Iran to export its internal problems.”  … Read more

Heidi Green, a psychology student at King Saud University, says coming to Saudi Arabia ‘was the right thing’

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JEDDAH: Heidi Green is loving her new life in Saudi Arabia, far away from her American roots. Effortlessly conversing in fluent Arabic, she seems to be adapting quite well in Riyadh. Green has been living in Riyadh for almost two years. Since arriving, she has always been complimentary about her experiences in the Kingdom. The … Read more

Manila welcomes Filipinos from Middle East coming home for Christmas

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MANILA: Philippine authorities welcomed on Tuesday overseas Filipino workers arriving from the Middle East to spend Christmas at home. Most Philippine nationals employed abroad live and work in Middle Eastern countries, especially of the Gulf Cooperation Council region. Out of nearly 1.8 million overseas Filipinos in GCC states, more than half live and work in … Read more