‘Oppenheimer’ finally premieres in Japan to mixed reactions and high emotions

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TOKYO: “Oppenheimer” finally premiered Friday in the nation where two cities were obliterated 79 years ago by the nuclear weapons invented by the American scientist who was the subject of the Oscar-winning film. Japanese filmgoers’ reactions understandably were mixed and highly emotional. Toshiyuki Mimaki, who survived the bombing of Hiroshima when he was 3, said … Read more

Saudi artist captures emotions with striking brushstrokes

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RIYADH: In the sanctuary of her studio, Saudi artist Areej Obaid wields her brush on a blank canvas with her emotions guiding her to create a world of her own. Each stroke of color embodies her innermost thoughts and desires, tracing the lines of her heart. With each bristle dipped into vibrant pigments, Obaid’s emotions … Read more