Saudi authorities foil attempt to smuggle 2.4m amphetamine pills through Jeddah port

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JEDDAH: In the holy month of Ramadan, the tradition of breaking fast with dates is deeply ingrained in the fabric of the Muslim society, making this iconic fruit a staple on the iftar spread. Prophet Muhammad said: “When one of you breaks his fast, let him break it with dates, for they are a blessing; … Read more

Saudi border guards foil drug smugglers near Yemen

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RIYADH: Artist Mishal Al-Shoaibi, 16, who has visual challenges, has produced a series of 50 abstract paintings that has seen him labeled the “Saudi Picasso” by local creatives. Al-Shoaibi’s solo exhibition titled “The Seeing Eye” is being held at Ahlam Gallery in the capital. The budding artist has a sensory processing disorder making it difficult … Read more

Saudi authorities foil attempt to smuggle more than 117,000 Captagon pills

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RIYADH: The celebration of Christmas in Saudi Arabia, a country known for its rich cultural heritage and Islamic traditions, presents a unique and evolving narrative. While Christmas is a Christian festival, its universal appeal resonates across different cultures and faiths, including in Saudi Arabia, where the expatriate community brings its own traditions to the season. … Read more