Advocacy groups make fresh appeal to ICJ to allow international media access to Gaza

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LONDON: The Meta Oversight Board announced on Tuesday that it is reviewing three cases, including one involving a user accusing Israel of committing “genocide” and another concerning a Facebook comment in Arabic. Meta, which submitted the cases as part of its review system aimed at creating a policy on criminal allegations based on nationality, said … Read more

Britain’s new protest laws unlawful, London court rules in rights group’s challenge

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CHICAGO: A national survey of Arab Americans released on Monday shows that most respondents overwhelmingly reject the reelection of both President Joe Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump. Conducted by the Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee and the Truth Project on May 17 and 18, the survey shows support for Biden at 7 percent and Trump … Read more

US university pulls student speech after Jewish groups object

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LOS ANGELES: A top US university has canceled its plans for a graduation speech by a Muslim student over what it says are safety concerns, after pro-Israel groups criticized her selection. The decision by the University of Southern California is the latest controversy to roil American higher education since the conflict between Israel and Hamas … Read more

Libyan armed groups clash in capital Tripoli: media

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LONDON: Northern Gaza faces a catastrophe without more assistance, the UN’s humanitarian coordinator said on Friday, with communication between the Israeli military and foreign aid groups still poor and no meaningful improvements happening on the ground. Jamie McGoldrick, who works for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, warned that Gaza was sliding … Read more

Fatah hits back at criticism of new PM by Hamas, other groups

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GENEVA: In the shadow of the war raging in Gaza, record numbers of Palestinian detainees are filling Israeli prisons, where they face “systemic abuse” and torture, rights advocates warn, calling for international action. Members of several Israeli NGOs traveled to Geneva this week to raise concerns before the UN about a major “crisis” inside the … Read more

Hamas, other Palestinian groups stress ‘unity’ at Moscow talks

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UNITED NATIONS: The Palestinian ambassador to the UN on Thursday pleaded for the Security Council to condemn the episode in Gaza that saw Israeli forces open fire on Palestinians scrambling for food aid. “The Security Council should say enough is enough,” Riyad Mansour told reporters ahead of a closed-door meeting by the body, which came … Read more

Aid groups appeal to EU to release urgent funds for UNRWA

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BRUSSELS: Humanitarian aid groups have appealed to the EU to release tens of millions of euros in funding due to the main UN agency that delivers most aid to people in the Gaza Strip as the organization teeters on the brink of financial collapse. The European Commission, the EU’s executive branch, was due to disburse … Read more

Iraqi armed groups dial down US attacks on request of Iran commander

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GAZA STRIP: Prospects for an Israel-Hamas ceasefire dimmed on Sunday after the US signaled it would veto the latest push for a UN Security Council resolution and mediator Qatar acknowledged that separate truce talks have hit an impasse. Efforts to pause the over four-month-old war languish as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to reject international … Read more

Palestinian groups say UN official failed to warn of possible Gaza genocide

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AL-MUKALLA: The US Central Command said on Thursday that its forces had launched strikes on Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen, targeting anti-ship missiles ready for launch, as Yemen’s militia leader pledged to continue Red Sea attacks. In a post on X, CENTCOM said that on Wednesday night, its forces struck two Houthi mobile anti-ship cruise missiles … Read more