British maritime agency receives report of incident off Yemen’s Hodeidah

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How a ceasefire and unrestricted aid access could yet prevent a famine in north Gaza LONDON: Desperate appeals from UN agencies urging Israel to allow aid into Gaza to alleviate hunger and avert an imminent famine in the north of the embattled Palestinian enclave appear to have fallen on deaf ears. Despite a UN Security … Read more

Beijing vows to safeguard its territorial integrity after South China Sea incident

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MOSCOW: Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday vowed to punish those behind the “barbaric terrorist attack” on a Moscow concert hall that killed more than 130, saying four gunmen trying to flee to Ukraine had been arrested.Kyiv has strongly denied any connection, with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accusing Putin of trying to shift the blame … Read more

New incident reported in sea off Yemen

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GENEVA: Expanding Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories constitutes “a war crime” and risks eliminating “any practical possibility” of a viable Palestinian state, the United Nations rights chief warned on Friday. Volker Turk said there had been a drastic acceleration in Israel’s illegal settlement building in the occupied West Bank, at the same time … Read more

English soccer authorities vow to stamp out fan trouble after West Brom-Wolves incident

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This AFC Asian Cup has had its fair share of surprises. There has been Iraq’s stunning win over Japan, Malaysia’s remarkable last-minute equalizer to draw 3-3 with South Korea, and Tajikistan’s fairytale run to the quarterfinals. It is turning out to be a tournament to remember. And consider also the drama at the Khalifa International … Read more