UK MP warns of ‘explosion’ in unreported Islamophobia

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LONDON: A senior politician has warned of an “explosion” of unreported Islamophobia in the UK. Shadow Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood said: “In my constituency, people report it to me but not the police. They kind of just put it down to the price you pay for being a Muslim in this country, (but) reporting is then … Read more

Ex-government adviser urges UK PM to apologize to London mayor over Islamophobia

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LONDON: UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has been urged by a former government advisor to apologize to London Mayor Sadiq Khan over comments made by a suspended Conservative MP. Colin Bloom, who advised the governing Conservatives on faith matters, told the BBC that Lee Anderson’s remarks were “offensive” and “disgusting,” adding that Sunak is “not … Read more

UK’s governing Conservatives face pressure as London mayor blasts ‘tacit endorsement’ of Islamophobia

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LONDON: London’s Muslim mayor has accused Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of “tacit endorsement” of Islamophobia in his Conservative Party. Sadiq Khan’s accusation came after the “belated” suspension of Conservative MP Lee Anderson, who refused to apologize for saying in a TV interview that “Islamists” had “got control” of the mayor.