A meeting of the UN body promoting equality for women starts with 5 male speakers

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Biden’s budget proposal for a second term offers tax breaks for families and lower health care costs MANCHESTER, N.H.: President Joe Biden on Monday released a budget proposal aimed at getting voters’ attention: It would offer tax breaks for families, lower health care costs, smaller deficits and higher taxes on the wealthy and corporations.Unlikely to … Read more

King Salman academy launches in-person Arabic classes for non-native speakers

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RIYADH: A strategic partnership agreement was signed on Tuesday between Saudi Arabia’s petrochemical manufacturing company Alujain Corporation and Basell International Holdings, a subsidiary of LyondellBasell Industries, at the Ministry of Energy headquarters in Riyadh on Tuesday. The agreement, inked in the presence of Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, outlines Basell’s acquisition of a 35 … Read more

Expert speakers and leaders gather at World Football Summit Asia in Jeddah

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JEDDAH: The second World Football Summit Asia kicked off on Tuesday in Jeddah, bringing together key decision-makers from the global football industry, with in excess of 1,000 attendees representing more than 70 countries in the first event of its kind in the country. The two-day summit is scheduled to coincide with the FIFA Club World … Read more