Tashkeela exhibition in Riyadh showcases fashion from Saudi Arabia and beyond

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RIYADH: Riyadh’s Front Exhibition Center is playing host to a showcase of creativity with the Tashkeela exhibition by Saudi 100 Brands, which is spotlighting 160 Saudi-based fashion labels as well as Arab and international designers from March 16-19. Organized by the Saudi Fashion Commission, which oversees the Saudi 100 Brands program, commission CEO Burak Cakmak … Read more

Tashkeela exhibition in Riyadh showcases fashion from Saudi Arabia and beyond

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RIYADH: Riyadh’s Front Exhibition Center is playing host to a showcase of creativity with the Tashkeela exhibition by Saudi 100 Brands, which is spotlighting 160 Saudi-based fashion labels as well as Arab and international designers from March 16-19. Organized by the Saudi Fashion Commission, which oversees the Saudi 100 Brands program, commission CEO Burak Cakmak … Read more