Why Daesh and its affiliates are on the march in Africa’s Sahel and beyond

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ACCRA, Ghana: Despite the loss of its strongholds in Iraq and Syria at the hands of a US-led international coalition, the terror group Daesh has been making alarming advances across the African continent, particularly in notoriously unstable regions such as the Sahel, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia and Mozambique. The resurgence of Daesh in … Read more

South Africa’s foreign minister says citizens fighting with Israeli forces in Gaza will be arrested

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How African countries became casualties of war in Sudan, Red Sea shipping disruption ABIDJAN Cote d’Ivoire: Already plagued by complex internal problems, the economies of East Africa have perhaps been the most affected among regional states by the unfolding crisis in Sudan and the attacks on trade passing through the Red Sea. The conflict in Sudan … Read more

Algeria’s president inaugurates Africa’s largest mosque

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ALGIERS: Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune officially inaugurated the Grand Mosque of Algiers, the third largest in the world and the biggest in Africa, on Sunday. The vast mosque, which can hold 120,000 worshippers, first opened for prayers in October 2020, but Tebboune was suffering from Covid-19 and did not attend. Known locally as the Djamaa … Read more

South Africa’s Ramaphosa says he expects Israel to comply with ICJ ruling

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Chicago City Council members approve ‘Holocaust’ resolution, delay vote seeking Gaza ceasefire CHICAGO: Pro-Israel members of the Chicago City Council on Wednesday introduced and approved a resolution commemorating the Holocaust and argued that another resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza was “inappropriate” and should be delayed. Although Chicago City Council resolutions have no direct … Read more

How South Africa’s genocide case against Israel could influence the course of Gaza war

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DUBAI: Whichever way the UN’s highest court rules in the case lodged by South Africa accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza, the high-profile proceedings alone may well be enough to change the course of the conflict, experts claim. An interim ruling in the case, heard by a 17-judge panel at the International Court of Justice … Read more

EU, AU, US say Sudan war and Somalia’s tension with Ethiopia threaten Horn of Africa’s stability

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UNICEF representative at Davos urges private sector to adopt child-centered approach DAVOS: Carla Haddad Mardini, director of UNICEF’s private fundraising and partnerships division, has highlighted the importance of integrating “a child-sensitive lens” in all aspects of the private sector’s work. In an interview with Arab News at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Haddad Mardini … Read more

Cricket South Africa’s brave new world a cause for optimism and concern

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RIYADH: Mohamed Saleh has won the big prizes for his club, leading Liverpool to the UEFA Champions League in 2019 and the English Premier League a year later. Add the Club World Cup and a few other trophies and personal awards and the list is impressive. There is something missing however, as everyone in Egypt … Read more

Nelson Mandela’s support for Palestinians endures with South Africa’s genocide case against Israel

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Can new UN humanitarian coordinator Sigrid Kaag get more aid into embattled Gaza? DUBAI: Sigrid Kaag, the UN’s newly appointed senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator for Gaza, faces a monumental task as she takes the reins of the world body’s relief operations in the embattled Palestinian enclave.  Twelve weeks of relentless Israeli bombardment and restrictions … Read more