Ukraine attacks Crimea’s Feodosia, says Russian-installed head of Crimea

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CHICAGO: In the1920s, a town in the Egyptian Delta keeps a legal officer busy in “Diary of a Country Prosecutor” by prolific Egyptian author, playwright, and essayist Tawfik Al-Hakim. First published in 1937 and reprinted with a new introduction by Richard Littler, author and playwright, in 2023, the novel is suspended in time with a … Read more

Russia says one person was killed, a large landing ship damaged in Ukrainian attack on Crimea

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BEIJING: Chinese state media accused the Philippines on Monday of repeatedly infringing on China’s territory in the South China Sea, spreading false information and colluding with extraterritorial forces to cause trouble. The Philippines has relied on US support to continually provoke China, with such “extremely dangerous” behavior seriously harming regional peace and stability, China’s Communist … Read more