How Latin America’s anti-Zionist Jews are standing against Israel’s war in Palestine

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SAO PAULO: The war in Gaza has generated unprecedented reactions in Latin America, with the consolidation of broad pro-Palestine coalitions. As part of such movements, countries such as Brazil, Argentina and Mexico have seen the emergence of anti-Zionist Jewish groups, formed by activists who reject their Zionist upbringing. In Argentina, the Latin American country with … Read more

Latin American SMEs keen to collaborate with Saudi Arabia

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CAIRO: Saudi Arabia’s entrepreneurial landscape is bustling with innovation, as startups across the Kingdom are leading a digital revolution in various sectors. Among these, the healthcare industry stands out as a primary focus, with a significant influx of technology firms dedicated to enhancing the sector’s efficiency and accessibility. In an interview with Arab News, Prince Mohammed … Read more

How Latin America’s Indigenous groups are showing solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza

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SAO PAULO: Demonstrations have taken place in several of Latin America’s biggest cities against Israel’s ongoing military operation in Gaza since the war broke out in the Palestinian enclave in October. Indigenous peoples have been among the protesters, with many of them issuing public letters in support of the Palestinian people. In Bogota, Palestinian organizations … Read more

Fans, athletes show support for Palestine in Latin American football

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SAO PAULO: With sizable Middle Eastern communities and historic ties to the region, Latin America has seen football as an avenue to express support for the Palestinian people amid the Gaza war. Palestinian flags have been seen in stadiums during matches, something that has at times been repressed by police. That was the case with … Read more