Death toll rises in Darfur displacement camps amid surge in malnutrition rates 

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Adam Rijal, spokesperson for the Coordination for Displaced Persons and Refugees in Darfur, said that there had been a rise in malnutrition rates among children and pregnant women in displacement centers across the region, the Sudan Tribune reported on Saturday.   With data from the World Health Organization indicating that 3.5 million Sudanese children are … Read more

Gaza officials report two more child malnutrition deaths

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FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE: As the latest conflict in Sudan approaches its 12th month, the humanitarian situation in the country remains dire. A combination of food, water and fuel shortages, limited communications and electricity, and sky-high prices for essential items has made life unbearable for millions of people. Medical care has been critically affected too amid … Read more

UN restores Rohingya food rations amid acute malnutrition spike in refugee camps

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CHICAGO: At one of the nation’s largest gatherings of Muslim Americans in Chicago on Saturday, leaders of the #AbandonBiden campaign said that the movement to block Joe Biden’s re-election due to his refusal to support a ceasefire to end the killing of civilians in Gaza was “growing quickly and will not turn back.” The #AbandonBiden … Read more