Four Indonesians arrested over Rohingya refugees smuggling

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MANILA: As tens of thousands of people have been crowding the streets of American cities for the past six months to protest US support for Israel’s war on Gaza, some of the leading voices have been coming from Asian diaspora groups. Their support for Palestine often stems from personal history, as many Asians living in … Read more

11 Rohingya found dead after Indonesia boat capsize: officials

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Netanyahu cancels diplomats’ visit to Washington in protest over UN ceasefire vote TEL AVIV: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has canceled a planned visit to Washington by a high-level delegation to protest Monday’s UN Security Council decision calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.The resolution passed 14-0 on Monday after the US decided not to … Read more

Indonesia’s rescue of Rohingya refugees at sea is a reminder of an ordeal that began in Myanmar

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BANGKOK: A dramatic story of survival and rescue off the western coast of Indonesia’s Aceh province has put the spotlight again on the plight of ethnic Rohingya Muslim refugees from Myanmar who make extremely dangerous voyages across the Indian Ocean to seek better lives.Desperate survivors were pulled to safety from their capsized boat by local … Read more

Boats carrying scores of Rohingya refugees capsize off Indonesia: fishermen

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Dhaka: This year’s fasting month has started as the worst one in memory for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, with the Ramadan spirit of charity and caring dampened by shortages of aid and food. International aid for the Rohingya has been dropping since 2020, despite urgent pleas for donations by the World Food Program and the UN … Read more

Bangladesh sounds alarm over rise in Rohingya deaths at sea

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DHAKA: Bangladeshi authorities are raising the alarm over increasing numbers of Rohingya refugees going missing at sea as they take risky boat journeys to reach Southeast Asia through the Bay of Bengal. Bangladesh hosts more than 1.2 million Rohingya Muslims, who, over decades, escaped death and persecution in neighboring Myanmar, especially during a military crackdown in … Read more

UN restores Rohingya food rations amid acute malnutrition spike in refugee camps

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CHICAGO: At one of the nation’s largest gatherings of Muslim Americans in Chicago on Saturday, leaders of the #AbandonBiden campaign said that the movement to block Joe Biden’s re-election due to his refusal to support a ceasefire to end the killing of civilians in Gaza was “growing quickly and will not turn back.” The #AbandonBiden … Read more

Bangladesh warns of deepening Rohingya crisis as refugee aid nosedives

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Dhaka: Bangladesh warned on Tuesday of the deteriorating humanitarian crisis at its refugee camps hosting some 1 million Rohingya, as global aid for the oppressed stateless minority has sharply declined this year. The Joint Response Plan, the annual UN fundraising plan by international agencies, was among the best funded humanitarian responses when it was set … Read more

Rohingya refugees win prestigious UN award for storytelling about camp life

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DHAKA: Four Rohingya refugees have won the 2023 Nansen Refugee Award in the Asia and Pacific category for using audiovisual art to document their experiences of statelessness and living in camps in Bangladesh. The UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award was established in 1954 to recognize individuals or groups for their work helping displaced and stateless people. … Read more