First Muslim American appellate court nominee faces uphill battle to salvage nomination

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How Latin America’s anti-Zionist Jews are standing against Israel’s war in Palestine SAO PAULO: The war in Gaza has generated unprecedented reactions in Latin America, with the consolidation of broad pro-Palestine coalitions. As part of such movements, countries such as Brazil, Argentina and Mexico have seen the emergence of anti-Zionist Jewish groups, formed by activists … Read more

Nikki Haley says she no longer feels bound by the GOP pledge requiring her to support the eventual nominee

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Hundreds of inmates flee after armed gangs storm Haiti’s main prison, leaving bodies behind PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti: Hundreds of inmates fled Haiti’s main prison after armed gangs stormed the facility in an overnight explosion of violence that engulfed much of the capital. At least five people were dead Sunday. The jailbreak marked a new low in … Read more

A chunk of Republican primary and caucus voters say they wouldn’t vote for Trump as the GOP nominee

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In blunt remarks, US Vice President Harris calls out Israel over ‘catastrophe’ in Gaza CAIRO/RAFAH, Gaza Strip: US Vice President Kamala Harris on Sunday demanded Palestinian militant group Hamas agree to an immediate six-week ceasefire while forcefully urging Israel to do more to boost aid deliveries into Gaza, where she said innocent people were suffering … Read more

Republican National Committee pulls resolution declaring Trump as the ‘presumptive 2024 nominee’

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KYIV: Questions remained Thursday over the military plane crash that Russia said had killed dozens of captured Ukrainian soldiers ahead of a planned prisoner exchange, with Moscow and Kyiv trading accusations at the UN Security Council. Russia has blamed Ukrainian forces for downing the IL-76 transport plane over the southern Belgorod region on Wednesday.It said … Read more