German police conduct raids against people suspected of posting misogynistic hate speech online

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DHAKA: Mohammad Hanif Pappu has spent his life painting film stars — first on posters and then on rickshaws, a moving medium that over the past few decades has earned him legendary fame in Dhaka. But it was only recently that he and his fellow craftsmen received global recognition, when the UN cultural agency, UNESCO, … Read more

West Bank Palestinians decry Israel’s raids as ‘revenge’

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100 days of fighting on southern Lebanese front: devastation, displacement and violations BEIRUT: Fighting in southern Lebanon between the Israeli army and Hezbollah entered its 100th day on Monday with no prospect of an end in sight any time soon. Despite diplomatic efforts in recent weeks, Lebanese officials unanimously stated that halting the hostilities on … Read more

Deadly Israeli raids leave Palestinians in West Bank camp reeling

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JENIN: Palestinian Mawaheb Marei is mourning a double tragedy — her relatives suffering and dying in Gaza, and the killing of her teenage son, a victim of Israel’s frequent raids in the occupied West Bank. “I wish I could wrap him in a coat,” Marei told AFP, like she had done every winter to keep … Read more

Mosque hit as raids, phosphorus bombs strike southern Lebanon front

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BEIRUT: Israeli artillery shelling intensified on Thursday at various Lebanese border towns where Hezbollah is active. War correspondents reported “the use of phosphorus bombs by the Israeli army in shelling the outskirts of the town of Khiam.”  Israeli Channel 14 reported that the Iron Dome intercepted 20 missiles fired from southern Lebanon towards the Galilee … Read more