French schoolboy dies as Macron warns of teenage violence

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PARIS: A French schoolboy on Friday died from wounds sustained in a violent assault, as President Emmanuel Macron warned schools should be protected from “uninhibited violence” among some youths. The 15-year-old teenager was badly beaten Thursday near his school in a town south of Paris and rushed to hospital following a cardiac arrest. He died … Read more

US envoy warns Iran not to attack Americans over Syria consulate strike

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NEW YORK CITY: Israel must bear the full responsibility for the consequences of its attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, and Iran reserves its right to deliver a “decisive response to such reprehensible acts,” Tehran’s deputy permanent representative to the UN told members of the Security Council during a meeting on Tuesday. “Iran has … Read more

Top US diplomat warns Israel of global isolation if it attacks Rafah

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TEL AVIV: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday that Israel risked further global isolation if it attacks the Palestinian city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip. Blinken met one-on-one with Netanyahu during a peace mission to the Middle East at a time of strain in relations over … Read more

US warns Pakistan on ties over election irregularities

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KYIV, Ukraine: A top US official said Wednesday that Washington could not predict when a vital $60-billion military aid package for Ukraine would be passed in Congress, as Volodymyr Zelensky called for Western air defenses after a Russian missile attack killed at least five.A fresh round of aerial bombardments by both sides left civilians dead … Read more

UN chief warns against ‘sequel to ‘Oppenheimer“

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UNITED NATIONS, United States: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres invoked Oscar-winning film “Oppenheimer” on Monday as he warned that the world faced the highest risk of nuclear war in decades. At a Security Council session called by Japan, Guterres said that the biopic about the morally conflicted father of the atomic bomb “brought the harsh reality … Read more

A Russia-NATO conflict is just one step from WW3, Putin warns the West

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Putin is poised to extend his rule in highly orchestrated vote even as Russians quietly protest MOSCOW: Russians crowded outside polling stations at noon Sunday on the last day of a presidential election, apparently heeding an opposition call to protest against President Vladimir Putin in a vote that offered them no real alternatives after he … Read more

HR ministry warns against child exploitation in marketing

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JEDDAH: The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development has issued a warning over the exploitation of children for commercial marketing and advertising purposes, the Saudi Press Agency reported. Under the Kingdom’s child protection laws, “authorities are required to prohibit the exploitation of children in commercial marketing or involving them in organized or unorganized crimes, and … Read more

Macron warns against ‘limits’ on backing Ukraine

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US military chief tours arms plants with GOP lawmakers to show that Ukraine aid boosts jobs at home CAMDEN, Arkansas: As they stood before massive rocket launchers built in part by their Arkansas constituents, Republican lawmakers were getting an unambiguous message Thursday from America’s top military officer: A Ukraine aid package that’s stalled in Congress … Read more

UK MP warns of ‘explosion’ in unreported Islamophobia

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LONDON: A senior politician has warned of an “explosion” of unreported Islamophobia in the UK. Shadow Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood said: “In my constituency, people report it to me but not the police. They kind of just put it down to the price you pay for being a Muslim in this country, (but) reporting is then … Read more

Saudi Arabia warns against Ramadan donations through unauthorized channels

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RIYADH: The vibrant community of Muslim expatriates in Saudi Arabia celebrates Ramadan with traditions and customs they have adopted since moving to the Kingdom and calling it their home. One way is through the communities they have formed, such as the Ramadan Iftar Club, a gathering at which the faithful break the fast together in … Read more