Sudan heading toward world’s worst hunger crisis, UN Security Council warned

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LONDON: Ahmed’s plans for his eagerly anticipated first child were shattered when the Israeli military bombed his home in Sabra, in western Gaza, on Oct. 26 last year. In his telling, among the possessions destroyed in the attack was a nursery that he and his wife had lovingly decorated. “All the preparations we made to … Read more

Israel to attend new ceasefire talks as UN says Gaza hunger crisis worsens

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GENEVA: In the shadow of the war raging in Gaza, record numbers of Palestinian detainees are filling Israeli prisons, where they face “systemic abuse” and torture, rights advocates warn, calling for international action. Members of several Israeli NGOs traveled to Geneva this week to raise concerns before the UN about a major “crisis” inside the … Read more

Another top donor says it will resume funding the UN agency for Palestinians as Gaza hunger grows

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Pakistan PM congratulates Asif Ali Zardari on re-election as president with 255 votes ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Saturday congratulated his coalition partner Asif Ali Zardari for being elected as the country’s president for the second time, after securing 255 votes in the indirect electoral contest held in Pakistan’s parliament and provincial assemblies. Zardari … Read more

Sudan soon to be ‘world’s largest hunger crisis’: WFP

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UNITED NATIONS: The United Nations has warned that widespread famine in the Gaza Strip is “almost inevitable” without action. A formal conclusion that famine has arrived in the coastal enclave of 2.3 million people could come next week. WHAT IS FAMIME AND WHO DECLARES ONE?A famine is assessed by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification … Read more