Israelis stage largest anti-government protest since the war in Gaza began

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JERUSALEM: Tens of thousands of Israelis gathered outside the parliament building in Jerusalem on Sunday in the largest anti-government demonstration since the country went to war in October. They urged the government to reach a ceasefire deal to free dozens of hostages held by the Hamas militant group in Gaza and to hold early elections.

UN demand for Gaza ceasefire provokes strongest clash between US and Israel since war began

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California’s governor publishes open letter of support to Arab and Muslim Americans CHICAGO: At a time when Islamophobia and anti-Arab sentiment are increasing in the wake of Israel’s war in Gaza, one American governor has felt compelled to tell Arabs and Muslims in America how much they are appreciated. California Gov. Gavin Newsom has issued … Read more

Indonesia’s rescue of Rohingya refugees at sea is a reminder of an ordeal that began in Myanmar

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BANGKOK: A dramatic story of survival and rescue off the western coast of Indonesia’s Aceh province has put the spotlight again on the plight of ethnic Rohingya Muslim refugees from Myanmar who make extremely dangerous voyages across the Indian Ocean to seek better lives.Desperate survivors were pulled to safety from their capsized boat by local … Read more

21 Israeli soldiers killed in deadliest attack since war began

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GAZA: Israeli forces, advancing deep into western Khan Younis in Gaza’s bloodiest fighting of the new year so far, stormed one hospital and placed another under siege on Monday, cutting the wounded off from trauma care, Palestinian officials said. Troops advanced for the first time into the Al-Mawasi district near the Mediterranean Coast, west of … Read more